We have reached the end of term 2 at Talua. This coming week is revision week, and after that is exams, and then two weeks holidays.
Pray for the students as they revise their work. Pray they are able to spend lots of time studying God's word and that he would open their eyes to many new things. Pray that this study not be a burden, but that it would refresh and enliven them. Pray for those who find exams difficult; that God would keep them calm and that they would continue to trust him through a difficult time. Pray that all the students would not study just to pass exams but to know God better so they may love him more dearly and serve him more faithfully.
This coming weekend is another field experience weekend. This time Lignes, Susan (wives of two of the students in Glen's group) and Rachael hope to be involved. Glen will be preaching and leading a bible study, in order to help the students as they will be between revision and exams and to provide a model for them.
Pray that Glen will prepare diligently and teach faithfully. Pray that God would speak through him and work in mighty ways this weekend. Pray that God would prepare the hearts and minds of the people at Ban-ban to hear and obey His word. Pray for Lignes, Susan and Rachael as they begin work with the women at Ban-ban.
A bible study began during term 2 term for the women at Talua on a Sunday afternoon. We finished reading through the book of James today and have found it very challenging.
Thank God for the core group of women who faithfully come each week; for Namlengi, Mercy, Cindy, Jenny and myself (all staff) and for the wives of students who have begun coming; Susan, Lignes, Colinette, Vejingo and Salome. Please pray that we will remember what we learnt from James, particularly about taming the tongue, about living faith which produces good works and about persevering through suffering.
We've all had the flu for the past month and have had to take things slowly.
Please pray that God would provide healing at this time, particularly for Glen who will need to work hard on his preparation for this weekend and for Bethany who has really had a rough time and has often been awake coughing at night.