• Field experience in March went very well. The students took the initiative to plan the weekend and review all the activities afterwards. I have been very impressed with their maturity and seriousness and their growing focus on teaching the Bible well and telling people about Christ.
• The Easter weekend was more focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus than we have seen previously. Rachael led a children's program that went very well and overall it was a great weekend.
• I spoke a couple of weeks ago with Jiroy, a D2 student from Sarete (6km from Talua), about the crusade he and some other students ran in Sarete just before Christmas. They said it went really, really well. Many hundreds of people came from all the surrounding villages and about 50 people made commitments (although it is sometimes hard to work out what this means). Villagers said that the week before Christmas is normally a time of drunkenness and trouble but this year it was quiet and people were worshipping God. One of the elders said that it needs to happen again and asked the students to help organise a crusade in Vunavus (8km from Talua) from 5th-9th May. Thank you for your prayers last year about this event and praise God! Please continue to pray for the follow up of those who were converted, for Jiroy and others as they plan the next crusade, and for regular faithful teaching of God's Word in the churches here.
Some prayer points:
• We have two more teaching weeks until the end of term 1. Please continue to pray for our teaching.
• This Friday we will meet with our mentoring group and then we will go to Weilapa again on 16th-18th April.
• We still have no bursar and the principal is still on leave, so the administration here is quite a mess. Please pray that this will be resolved quickly.