Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Final field experience trip

Thank you for your prayers. The translation course went well. Classes are going well. We have also had great conversations with students and staff recently about how we can proclaim Christ more faithfully in Vanuatu.

This weekend (21st-23rd) is our final field experience in Avunatari, the largest village on Malo. We will lead studies on grace and justification by faith (not using those words!). Then Api will preach on Sunday on Romans 6, showing how we died with Christ and now live new lives in him. Please pray that we will teach clearly and faithfully. Pray that God will work powerfully by his Spirit so that people may appreciate the wonderful salvation we have by his grace and will give themselves wholeheartedly in obedience to him.

We then have two more weeks of class. Glen will be teaching:
– diploma students about judgement, heaven and hell.
– foundation year students on prayer.
– BMin students on New Testament letters, especially Galatians.

Please continue to pray for both of us as we teach and for the students in these last few weeks before exams.

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